George Herbert Mead: Quote explanation and Example?
2016-11-27 13:52:06 UTC
“It is by means of reflexiveness—the turning-back of the experience of the individual upon himself— that the whole social process is thus brought into the experience of the individuals involved in it; it is by such means, which enable the individual to take the attitude of the others toward himself, that the individual is able consciously to adjust himself to that process, and to modify the resultant of that process in any given social act in terms of his adjustment to it. Reflexiveness, then, is the essential condition, within the social process, for the development of the mind” (Mead, “Mind”, in E & A, p. 408).

1- Explain the quote in full in your own words. “In full” means that you must explain both the specific quote at hand, as well as the context of the quote, that is, the theoretical point that the author is making (5 points).

2- Give two concrete examples from the film “The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow” to explain this quote (one from program 1, and one from program 2). BE SPECIFIC. Explain the relationship between this quote and your examples in full (5 points).
One answer:
2016-11-27 14:32:28 UTC

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